Kyriakos Tsitouridis Kyriakos Tsitouridis


I recently visited a waste management facility to have a machine test in collaboration with the plant operators and three colleagues....

I recently visited a waste management facility to have a machine test in collaboration with the plant operators and three colleagues.

Every time I visit a facility, the same simple idea comes up my mind.

“If people could see their waste once more after they put their bag into the bin it would the best education we can provide to promote Circular Economy and and it would certainly beat any other promotional event, school lesson or advertisement on the matter.”

There, one is able to see everyday items being incinerated or landfilled. There, people can understand how much they consume earth in their everyday lives. There, people can see in real time how fast they consume the future of their grand children… like there is no tomorrow.

Even if I am a natural optimist (with short cases of extreme pessimism I have to admit), in a waste facility one can see that the current thing leads us to self destruction anytime soon.

Some ideas are like:

We need to fix our society. We need to change narrative. Buy things that last. Stop buying cheap!

We should be pricing the environmental impact on each product and service.

But please, take kids to waste facilities. Ask your kids’ school to organize such visits. It is one of the best things we can do for a resourceful future for the generations to come.

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